Media & Insights

Health Plan Heroes: AllBetter Partners with National Patients Advocacy Group to Honor Heroic Employer Health Plans

Patients Rising, a nationwide grassroots organization advocating for greater affordability and access in health care for patients with chronic or life-threatening conditions, has partnered with AllBetter to develop the Health Plan Hero Award Program. On their weekly podcast, Terry Wilcox, the Patients Rising Executive Director, and Dr. Bob Goldberg share stories of these small but mighty businesses who have slain the cost dragon and conquered the quality question mark. Kudos to Patients Rising for their investment in setting the new Gold Standard to which every company should aspire: dramatically improving quality, making health care free or nearly free for patients, ALL while saving LOADS of money on their health plan? Can it really be true? Hear their stories on today’s Patients Rising podcast. And stay tuned for next week when the details are revealed!

Listen to the Heroes Tell Their Stories

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