American Hospital Association

WSJ: The Biggest Scam Going is a Drug Discount Program Designed to Help Cash-scrapped Hospitals Serve More Poor Patients

The Wall Street Journal has done the world a service by blowing the whistle on one of the longest-held secrets in Washington – the 340B drug discount program is a lucrative profit-maker for rich, bloated hospital systems rather than a safety net for rural and inner city clinics that it was designed to be.

WSJ: The Biggest Scam Going is a Drug Discount Program Designed to Help Cash-scrapped Hospitals Serve More Poor Patients Read More »

NYT and WSJ: “Non-Profit” Hospitals Are Actually Bond Villains

The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal both released a bombshell series of reports, called They Were Entitled to Free Care. Hospitals Hounded Them to Pay, Hospital System to Refund Poor Patients Who Were Entitled to Free Care and Hospitals Often Don’t Help Needy Patients, Even Those Who Qualify. These investigations describe a

NYT and WSJ: “Non-Profit” Hospitals Are Actually Bond Villains Read More »

KABOOM! Biden HHS Proposes Smack-Down on Price-Hiding Hospitals

Today, the Biden Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed a series of tough measures to crack down on hospitals that are brazenly flouting rules, in effect since January 1, requiring posting of previously secret negotiated and cash prices for every item and service they provide to patients. As part of the proposed annual

KABOOM! Biden HHS Proposes Smack-Down on Price-Hiding Hospitals Read More »